
Develissimo e.U. - Company main address


Develissimo e.U.

Welserstrasse 100

A-4060 Leonding


Develissimo e.U. - Company data

Commercial Register#: 362591y

Sales Tax Identification Number#: ATU66511036

EORI#: ATEOS1000034574

OENACE#: 46520


Raphael Reumayr Raphael Reumayr - Owner

Commercial Court:

4020 Linz Austria/Europe

Fadingerstr. 2

ECG E-Commerce Law

Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Act, §14 Corporate Code or §63 Trade Code and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act

Further information about the company: Develissimo e.U. - IT consulting hosting and development.

[Company data]( data1)


Raphael Georg Reumayr

Company wording (according to the company register)

Develissimo e.U. (FN 362591y)

location designation

4060 Leonding


Welserstrasse 100

General Terms and Conditions (link)

company registration number


company court

Regional Court of Linz

legal form

one-man business

UID number


Other information according to §14 UGB

Reumayr Raphael

Company Develissimo e.U.

phone *

+43 664/2142601

mobile phone *

+43 732 266618


Email ** For security reasons, please use the contact form to contact us. We will then be happy to correspond with you via email.

Applicable Laws

Other supervisory authority (according to ECG)

Commercial Court Linz/Fadingerstr. 2

Disclosure according to media law

media owner

Reumayr Raphael

Registered office (place of head office)

4060 Leonding Welser Strasse 100

purpose of the company

IT consulting, services and services

Hosting, sys-admin activities and infrastructure support as well as individual programming.

Permissions maintained

  • FG Management Consulting, Accounting and Information Technology

Services in automatic data processing and information technology

Since February 3rd, 2021 for the location 4060 Leonding, Welser Straße 100 (may deviate from the founding date)Managing director under commercial law: -Profession: IT service.

GISA number


Authority according to ECG (e-commerce law)

District authority Linz-Land

Any special professional regulations can be found on the website of the specialist group or in the Legal Information System of the Federal Government

Link click here: Online Dispute Resolution Platform

If you have any questions or complaints, you can also contact us directly on the telephone number: +43(0)732 / 266618 or via the contact form on the website. We do answer within a few business days.